Friday, February 22, 2019

14A - Halfway Reflection

1) This course, in my opinion, is a lot of work and can be challenging at times. What I have been doing so far is giving it my all and never giving up. Another thing about this course is that it is actually interesting and fun so that motivates me to watch the lectures and to keep up with all the work. I believe that having time management and organizational skills are very important to do well in this class. You always got to set some time to do the assignments.

2) I won't lie, there are moments in this class where I felt like giving up and not turning any submissions, but then I think about how this is a four credit class and I should give it my all no matter what. So because of this, I am motivated to turn in all my work on time. Honestly, once you start creating a schedule for yourself to do this class, it becomes easier to do the coursework.

3) The first tip I have for someone taking this class next semester is to always turn in your work on time and not wait till the last minute. You will eventually form a habit and this is really beneficial for all your other classes. The second tip I have is to never give up no matter how hard it seems. It may seem easier to give up, but you will hate yourself. The third tip I have is to try and have fun with this class. It will make everything easier.

Image result for you can do it

13A - Reading Reflection No. 1

The book I read was Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance. I have to say, this was a really good read and I learned a lot about Elon Musk. I never knew how ambitious Elon Musk was, but his ambition is amazing and inspiring. The one thing that really surprised me that I was like," Wow, that's really cool!" is that he was born in Pretoria, South Africa. I never knew that and this is really interesting. The one thing I really admire Musk for is his motivation and drive. This man just keeps on doing so many amazing things like running a billion dollar company. Watching him do all these amazing things really motivates me to be a better person and to start doing my homework on time. He is really an inspirational person. The thing I least admire about him is sometimes, he does not know when to stop. He is always working. I feel like if he took a break or a vacation once in a while, it would allow his brain to recharge and he can come up with even more brilliant ideas. Elon Musk has definitely encountered adversity and failure as seen from many of the rocket crashes by SpaceX. However, this does not stop Musk. He just looks back at what went wrong and how he can fix it. Elon Musk never gives up, he keeps moving forward and I think that is awesome. The thing I believe Elon Musk is great at is coming up with new ideas. This man does not stop. Right now he wants to colonize Mars and he believes that he will be able to do it soon and that is just crazy to think about. If anyone can do it, Elon Musk can. While reading the book, there was nothing that really confused me and I think I have to thank the writer Ashlee Vance for that because she was able to word everything perfectly so it sounded clear and coherent. One question I would have to ask Musk would be how he can keep working so hard and not be playing around with his wealth. Like if I was in his position, I would be taking a lot of breaks and just fool around because I have so much money to spend. Another question I would ask is how he got his hair back. He looks a lot better now than he did years ago. I feel like he found the fountain of youth or something. I definitely feel that Elon Musk supports hard work. He is the type of person to believe that hard work pays off. Overall, this was a great book and I recommend it to everyone.

Friday, February 15, 2019

12A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

Segment: The people I chose for this segment are students of the University of Florida who uses either Southwest Rec or Student Rec.

Interview 1:
The first person I interviewed was a freshman here at UF. I asked him if he uses the gym frequently and he said he goes at least four times a week. He said he goes mostly to Student Rec because he lives in the Murphree area so it is very close for him. I asked him what does he do when it gets packed. He said if it gets too packed, he just goes home and goes at another time because he lives so close to the gym. I told him about my idea for the gym and he said it was a good idea because it would help him save a lot of time.

Interview 2:
The second person I interviewed was sophomore here at UF. He said uses the gym every day on the weekday and he goes mainly to Southwest Rec due to it having better equipment overall. I asked him if hates it when the gym gets crowded and he said absolutely. I asked him what does he do when the gym gets too packed and he said he just works it through. He said it won't be a good workout, but it will be a workout nonetheless. I asked him for his opinion about my app and he said it a pretty cool idea because he would be saving time.

Interview 3:
The third person I interviewed was another sophomore. He said he uses the gym like twice a week and he goes to mainly Student Rec. I asked him what does he do when the gym gets too crowded and he said he leaves and just stadiums. I asked him about my service app and he said the app would be really beneficial because he could save a lot of time.

After conducting the three interviews, I learned they would like the app for the same reason. That reason was the app would help them save time. This is really nice to hear because I now know there is a huge consumer surplus for my app so that means the need for awareness is there.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

11A - Idea Napkin No. 1

1.     Hello, my name is Brian Nguyen and I am currently a sophomore at the University of Florida. I am majoring in accounting and minoring in economics. I am bilingual and I am a motivated person. I developed my organizational and time management skills during the summer when I worked for a gynecologist office as an office clerk. I aspire one day to be working for a big corporation as its CFO. Regarding my business concept, if I ever hear back from UF about agreeing to do my idea, I would definitely develop it because I could see it making a lot of money.
2.     My product is an app that allows customers to see live footage of both gyms at UF and to see if it is packed or not and then decide for themselves to see if they want to go. This app is perfect for customers who have a tight schedule and would like to see if they could fit working out into their schedule.
3.     I am offering this service to anyone who uses the gyms at UF or anyone who loves to workout in general.
4.     I am certain the customers will love this service because it will help them save time. I know many people that go to the gym and see that it is packed, and this causes them to not get to work out as well as they would like, and this is a very common problem.
5.     The thing that sets me apart from everyone else is that no one has come up with this idea.

Overall, I feel that these five elements fit together very well and that this is a great concept. I do not think there are any weak points for the aspect of my business concept. Thanks for reading this post and have a great day!

Friday, February 8, 2019

10A - Elevator Pitch No.1

9A - Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Who: The people who do not go to the two gyms at UF. These people fall out of the boundary.

What: They do not see a need to hit the gym.

Why: There are multiple reasons as to why some do not hit the two gyms. Some are content with their bodies and others can go to other gyms in Gainesville.

Interview 1:
The first person I interviewed was a sophomore named Jacob. He said he hated going to the gym and only believes in doing cardio every day. He said he gets his daily workout by doing stadiums every day. I asked him about my idea of a gym app, and he told me that it was a dumb and ridiculous idea.

Interview 2:
The second person I interviewed was a junior named Caroline. She said she does not hit the gym but instead gets her daily workout by jogging around campus. I asked her if my idea of a gym app was something she would like to see, and she told me she would not really care because it made no difference to her.

Interview 3:
The third interview was with a senior who would not like to be named. He told was majoring in electrical engineering and he told me that the gym app was alright, but it would never go through because a lot of people would not like to be filmed without their consent. He told me that he does not even go to the two gyms at UF. Instead he goes to one in his apartment complex. He told that the UF gyms are too far and it is more convenient for him to use the one at his apartment complex.

Interview 4:
The fourth interview was with a person named Joe. I asked him if he goes to the two UF gyms and he told me he does not go to any gym at all. He told me that he is fine with his body and that he can never put on weight so it would not matter if he went at all. I told him to try eating more protein.

Interview 5:
The last interview was with a person named Kevin. I asked him if he goes to the gym and he said no. He said he gets his workout by playing soccer every day. I told him about my idea of a gym app, and he told it was a pretty unique idea, but many people would not like getting filmed while working out.

Inside the boundary
Who is In: Those who use the two gyms at UF.
What the Need Is: To know when it is a good time to use the gym.
Why the Need Exists: The two gyms at UF can be very crowded and there is not a good way to know when the gyms are going to be packed.

Outside the boundary
Who is not: Those who do not use the two gyms at UF.
What the need is not: Some people feel indifferent and others do not see the need to hit the gym.
Alternative Explanations: Some people go to other gyms and others are content with how they look so they just don’t use the gym in general.

These 5 interviews have really taught me a lot about my idea of a gym app. I can see that there are some people who would not like getting filmed and other people might use other gyms. I am really glad I was able to test my idea again by interviewing more people.