Friday, February 15, 2019

12A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

Segment: The people I chose for this segment are students of the University of Florida who uses either Southwest Rec or Student Rec.

Interview 1:
The first person I interviewed was a freshman here at UF. I asked him if he uses the gym frequently and he said he goes at least four times a week. He said he goes mostly to Student Rec because he lives in the Murphree area so it is very close for him. I asked him what does he do when it gets packed. He said if it gets too packed, he just goes home and goes at another time because he lives so close to the gym. I told him about my idea for the gym and he said it was a good idea because it would help him save a lot of time.

Interview 2:
The second person I interviewed was sophomore here at UF. He said uses the gym every day on the weekday and he goes mainly to Southwest Rec due to it having better equipment overall. I asked him if hates it when the gym gets crowded and he said absolutely. I asked him what does he do when the gym gets too packed and he said he just works it through. He said it won't be a good workout, but it will be a workout nonetheless. I asked him for his opinion about my app and he said it a pretty cool idea because he would be saving time.

Interview 3:
The third person I interviewed was another sophomore. He said he uses the gym like twice a week and he goes to mainly Student Rec. I asked him what does he do when the gym gets too crowded and he said he leaves and just stadiums. I asked him about my service app and he said the app would be really beneficial because he could save a lot of time.

After conducting the three interviews, I learned they would like the app for the same reason. That reason was the app would help them save time. This is really nice to hear because I now know there is a huge consumer surplus for my app so that means the need for awareness is there.

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