Friday, March 29, 2019

22A - Elevator Pitch No. 3

I received a lot of good feedback from my second elevator pitch and I really appreciate them because they help me make this one better. I believe the thing that changes the most is in this pitch, I am talking slower and more concise so people can understand me.

21A - Reading Reflection No. 2

1)    What was the general theme or argument of the book?
The book I have chosen for this assignment is The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users by Guy Kawasaki. The main argument Kawasaki is trying to make is that your social media is like your own business and in the book, he gives multiple tips on how to improve your social media.
2)    How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
Well in this class, I learned the importance of networking and getting many contacts. With social media, it can allow me to connect with many different people in a short amount of time. This book helps me understand how to use my social media efficiently.
3)    If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
There are a lot of good tips given in this book so I would have students make a social media account and then used the tactics in the book and then see who got the most likes and follows on their social media. It could be like a competition and there would be a prize so that would incentivize the students.
4)    What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?
The biggest ‘aha’ moment for me was when the author wrote that even he does not really know how social media works because it is always changing and that is why people should keep experimenting. I thought that was really interesting and it makes complete sense.

Friday, March 22, 2019

20A - Growing Your Social Capital

- Domain Expert: The first person I talked to was a person named Jack who owns a boxing gym in Gainesville. I knew Jack from back home so he is a reliable person to talk to. He told me all the equipment cost for his gym and how much he thinks installing cameras would be. He told me my idea was great and he would pay me a lot of money to implement it into his gym.

- Market Expert: The second person I talked to was a person named Matt. Matt is currently a software engineer for IBM. We emailed each other back and forth for a while. I only know Matt because I am friends with his cousin. He told me that developing my idea of an app was feasible and he believed it would be a great idea. He just told me I needed to receive a lot of permission for the app to fully work.

- Supply Expert: The third person I talk to was a person named John. He worked in a company that supplies materials to restaurants. I knew him from high school. He told me that he had a long list of contacts that would be beneficial to me. I told that would be really nice. John is a very nice person.

Overall, I am really glad that I did this exercise because I was able to meet many fascinating people. I also gained experience in networking.

19A - Idea Napkin No. 2

-     Hello, my name is Brian Nguyen and I am currently a sophomore at the University of Florida. I am majoring in accounting and minoring in economics. I am bilingual and I am a motivated person. I developed my organizational and time management skills during the summer when I worked for a gynecologist office as an office clerk. I aspire one day to be working for a big corporation as its CFO. Regarding my business concept, if I ever hear back from UF about agreeing to do my idea, I would definitely develop it because I could see it making a lot of money.
2.     My product is an app that allows customers to see live footage of both gyms at UF and to see if it is packed or not and then decide for themselves to see if they want to go. This app is perfect for customers who have a tight schedule and would like to see if they could fit working out into their schedule.
3.     I am offering this service to anyone who uses the gyms at UF or anyone who loves to workout in general.
4.     I am certain the customers will love this service because it will help them save time. I know many people that go to the gym and see that it is packed, and this causes them to not get to work out as well as they would like, and this is a very common problem.
5.     The thing that sets me apart from everyone else is that no one has come up with this idea.

Overall, I feel that these five elements fit together very well and that this is a great concept. I do not think there are any weak points for the aspect of my business concept. 

The feedback I received from the first idea napkin was very helpful and influential. I used it to make the changes to this idea napkin. Thanks for reading this post and have a great day!

Friday, March 15, 2019

18A - Create a Customer Avatar

My avatar is a customer named Brad who is 19 years old. He is currently a sophomore at the University of Florida and he is also the CFO of a big company that sells toilet paper and writing utensils. In his free time, he loves to read self-help and motivational books. He drives a pink Lambo every day to work. His favorite hobby is working out at Southwest Rec at UF. He loves to work his calves and his abs. One of Brad's pet peeves is when he goes to Southwest Rec, it is packed and he has to go home. He gets very mad and sad when this happens because he wastes gas money and precious time. However, Brad found out about my gym app and he is happy all the time now. He now has very big calves and abs because he goes to Southwest Rec at the perfect time.

I have a few connections with Brad. We are both sophomores and we both love working out. I feel that if I met Brad in real life, we would be really good friends.

17A - Elevator Pitch No. 2


2) In my last video, I received a lot of good feedback. I am really glad that I got these feedbacks because they have helped me make my elevator pitch better.

3) In my last video, I was sitting down. In this video, I am standing up.

Friday, March 1, 2019

15A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

I conducted three interviews in order to gather information. During the first interview, I asked if the price of the gym app is something she considered. She told me yes because if it was not free, she would not get it. I told her that I probably set the app to be free. During my second interview, the person expressed interest in the UI of the gym app. I told him that my roommate could code the app easily and he was credible because he used to work as a coder at Apple. The third interview expressed interest in the price. He was worried if the app was going to be expensive. I told him no and that the app will be free. 

Drawing conclusions, I understand that the two things buyers would really care about would be the price and UI of the gym app. I think the app being free would make everyone happy and more people would buy it. I am also confident that the UI of the app will be excellent.