Friday, March 29, 2019

22A - Elevator Pitch No. 3

I received a lot of good feedback from my second elevator pitch and I really appreciate them because they help me make this one better. I believe the thing that changes the most is in this pitch, I am talking slower and more concise so people can understand me.


  1. Hey Brian! I really enjoyed watching your elevator pitch and learning more about your idea. It is good that you feel more confident regarding the feedback you received from your last post, as this will make your speech improved. I can really see your effort to talk slower and be more concise, it made a great difference. Great post!

  2. Hello Brian! I liked the way you started first with addressing the issue and then stating your solution. I was able to really imagine myself at the gym frustrated that I can not get a good workout in because there are too many people. I also liked how you used your hands during most of the pitch. Great pitch!

  3. Hi Brian! I love your business plan and I really hope that you pursue it outside of this class. I think it would be very beneficial to not only the gym-goers but also to those that work at or own gyms. I could even see people paying for this product/app. With fitness being very important to so many people around the world, I think your plan could do amazing things.
