Friday, January 18, 2019

3A - Entrepreneurship Story

I was first exposed to exposed to entrepreneurship when I was in kindergarten. We had a fundraiser at my school and all the students were tasked with selling chocolate in order to raised money for the fundraiser. I remember walking to many different houses in my neighborhood in order to sell the chocolate. I would tell my neighbors about how delicious the chocolate was and that it was for a good cause. I was able to sell a lot of chocolate due to persuading people to buying the chocolate and I was second in my class for selling the most chocolate. I realized later on in life that was essentially entrepreneurship and I thought that was really cool because it happened at such a young age.
I enrolled in ENT 3003 because I believe the concept of entrepreneurship is really interesting and that it is everywhere in life. I want to learn more about this concept and perhaps even use what I learn in this class for the future. I am really excited to see what is going to happened in this class.Image result for chocolate fundraiser


  1. Hi Brian. I really enjoyed reading you blog post. I relate so much. I did the same thing and sold these chocolate bars all through elementary and middle school. I didn’t noticed that I was exposed to entrepreneurship at such a young age and I now realized that its been around me since such a young age.

  2. Hey Brian! Great anecdote about your first entrepreneurial experience. I too would sell chocolate bars in middle school in order to raise funds for orchestra. I would try to convince all my classmates to buy the chocolate and spread how great of a product it was. It is interesting to see how each one of us was exposed to entrepreneurship at a young age.
