Friday, January 25, 2019

6A - Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Opportunity 1 – Alachua County raises tobacco buying age 21. (Regulatory)
b)    I believe that this information suggests an opportunity might exist because now the tobacco vendors will most likely lower the price of their tobacco products to make up for the age change.
c)     I think people 21 and above will most likely be the customer with this opportunity because all their friends who are not 21 yet will ask them to buy the tobacco products.
d)    This opportunity is relatively easy to exploit because there is no harm for the 21 years old people. Purchasing the tobacco products is completely legal to them.
I saw this opportunity because a lot of my friends use tobacco products and always ask me to get them from the store. I myself do not use tobacco products, but it is really interesting to see that Alachua County be the first one in the Florida state to raise the buying age to 21. 
Opportunity 2 – FDA to expand the use of mandatory food recall authority. (Regulatory)
b)    I believe that this information suggests an opportunity might exist because now the FDA can make sure fewer people are harm from eating dangerous food.
c)     I think the FDA will most likely be the customer with this opportunity because they are using their powers to save people from toxic food.
d)    This opportunity is relatively difficult to exploit because there is a lot of paperwork needed to successfully recall food.
I saw this opportunity because I remembered last year when a lot of Chipotles had to close for a brief time due to a foodborne illness accident. That incident always made me watch what I eat. 
Opportunity 3 – The federal debt will increase. (Economic)
b)    I believe that this information suggests an opportunity might exist because there are going to be a lot of policies and people trying to make the debt decrease.
c)     I think the people of the United States will most likely be the customer with this opportunity because some businesses might start hiring temporary workers instead of full-time workers in order to save money.
d)    This opportunity is relatively difficult to exploit because the federal debt is in trillions and will take a long time to actually decrease it.
I saw this opportunity because my parents are business people and they always talk about this issue and other issues. It is really interesting to see that the federal debt is in the trillions. 
Opportunity 4 – The value of the dollar will continue to decline. (Economic)
b)    I believe that this information suggests an opportunity might exist because European export companies will be making a profit if they convert their euros into dollars.
c)     I believe that the European exporting companies will most likely be the customer with this opportunity because they will be making a profit with this economic trend.
d)    This opportunity is relatively difficult to exploit because the value of the dollar is always fluctuating.
I saw this opportunity because I remembered when the UK Brexit and how the value of the pound went down immediately. I tried buying some so I could convert them back when the rose, but I used a bad website and loss 8 thousand dollars. 


  1. Brian, I really enjoyed looking at your trends and regulatory changes. The first one really stood out to me, as that is a very local issue and I know quite a few people who will be affected by that change. Also, thinking about inflation in the United States and how people who have Euros could convert those to make some sort of profit is an interesting concept that I, unfortunately, do not understand more. I will make sure to look into this as it seems very strange.

  2. Hello Brian! I see Alachua County raising the tobacco age limit as an opportunity that would be hard to exploit because a portion of the market is being taken away from buying these products. It is difficult enough to deal with competitors that also share the smaller than original market but also having many organizations that are in full-force trying to stop people from using tobacco.

  3. Hey Brian! I thoroughly enjoyed reading through your list of trends. What's it like to lose out on $8,000 because of a faulty website? I also can't believe that our dollar is losing value. I've heard a lot about buying gold and silver lately because soon enough U.S banknotes will be worthless but I'm not sure if I should believe these analyses.
