Friday, April 5, 2019

24A – Venture Concept No. 1


I started working during summer B of my freshman year and it grew to be my favorite hobby because it helped me take some stress off of school. It also made me feel better and healthier. However, the two gyms during the spring and fall semesters are always packed. Due to it being packed, it is hard for me to use any equipment at all. This left me bitter and sad. I could not get a good workout at the gym and I would sometimes leave early just because I grew annoyed that I could not use any of the equipment. I felt like I wasted my time and I could be doing other activities. One day I was walking across the street and I realized that I can solve my problems with going to the gym. I will make an application that will show the live feeds of both the Student Recreational Center and the Southwest Recreational Center. I told many people with it and they all told me that it was a genius idea. They told I should contact the University of Florida in order to get permission. I knew around that time that this was the million dollar idea that happens once in a lifetime.


Throughout the history of time, humans have come up with numerous ideas and inventions. One of the greatest invention humanity has ever created is technology. As time has gone by, technology has improved tremendously. The reasoning for this is due to globalization and the increasing knowledge that humans have gained as time goes by. One of the greatest inventions in the past century is the Internet. The emergence of the Internet has revolutionized the world and has brought great changes. It allowed people to connect with one another easier. If someone was in China, a person in the United States could talk to them by emailing them. Soon after the arrival of the Internet emerged another technology that is currently revolutionizing society and impacting industries. That is cloud computing. With cloud computing, people are able to store data in a cloud A.K.A the Internet. People no longer need to go and buy expensive new hard drives, they could save everything online. Examples of things that integrate with cloud computing are Dropbox, Google Drive, Instagram, etc. Cloud computing has also cut expenses and costs as well. Companies and businesses would spend millions buying the new software for their day to day operations, but with cloud-based software, everything is up to date so people do not need to go out and buy the newest update. In addition to this, cloud computing helps save space since everything is online. People do not need to go buy new memory cards or even new computers in order to use cloud-based applications. Companies love cloud computing due it being so flexible. It does not matter if the business is small, medium, or large. With cloud computing, companies can scale the cloud-based software to their preference base on their businesses. Another important feature of cloud computing is data security and back up. Have you ever wrote a huge report that is over five thousand words and then your power goes out and everything is lost? Well, most people would say yes to that and it is a common problem. However, with cloud-based software, everything is saved automatically due to real-time tracking. In another scenario, let's say that your computer dies and all your work is gone. With cloud-based technology, you can access your work and data from different devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. It is amazing how far technology has come!
That is why I planned to create a gym application that integrates with cloud technology. All you would is an account that is easy to set up. In the gym application, I plan to have the live feeds of both the Student Recreational Center and the Southwest Recreational Center. The gym application will also feature a gym journal where you can write down your repetitions and weights you used so can keep track. You can also write as many workout programs in the application as you want. The best part of the application is that it will feature many workout guides with videos and long descriptions on how to perform the workout to the best efficiency. The gym application will also feature a food tracking journal. In the food tracking journal, you can plan what you ate, as well as count your macros and micros. Using Apple's new health software, the application will allow people to keep track of their heart rate as well. The gym application will be free to download and use because I want people to download it. If I did not make it free, it would not survive in the market due to the competition. There are just so many gym applications on the market and many of them cost money. If I made it free, people would be incentivized to get my application because it is free and does not cost money. I will a lot of money from sponsorships. I will be talking to a lot of famous gym personalities like Arnold Schwarzenegger. There will also be a few ads on the application. An ad every hour on the application. While talking to my accountant, there are around 52 thousand students at UF. My statisticians informed me that at least 30 thousand students will download my application. Each ad view by a student is 5 dollars. So I will be making at least 260 thousand dollars a day if people open the app at least once a day.

Venture Concept

My gym application will solve the problem of when to go to the gym because people will be able to look at the live feeds of either the Student Recreational Center or the Southwest Recreational Center and look to see if it is crowded or not. They can then decide for themselves if they want to go to the gym or not. I have a hunch that many people will download this as many people have this problem.


  1. Brian, I really enjoyed your venture concept. I think it is fantastic that you are focusing so much on something that holds a lot of weight for you, personally. Judging from earlier this semester, I see that your business model has changed a decent amount. I believe that this is for the best and I think you have a lot of good coming your way with this.

  2. Hello Brian! You really have put a lot of thought into your business model. I think that having Mr. Schwarzenegger would be the ideal sponsorship to get for your app. I would download a gym app if it was affiliated with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Great post!
